Embodied Feminine

1:1 Embodiment Coaching

This is your invitation to come home to yourself, to reconnect to your body, to heal, to know yourself deeply, to embody your worth. It’s time to liberate yourself from the conditions of your pain and rise rooted as an empowered authentic YOU..

You deserve to feel safe. To be so connected to your body, your love, your worth, your truth, and your personal power. To trust yourself and tune in with your own heart, truth, and intuition. To expand spiritually. To show up with a loose grip and an open heart that is receptive of ease, flow, magic, and miracles. To experience life with more faith, optimism, peace, and joy. To no longer have to try to convince yourself you are worthy and deserving, but to know it, feel it, and move with the truth of it as the empowered woman you know deep down you are.

The empowered woman who feels secure from within. The empowered woman who is in touch with her emotions. The empowered woman who embraces her inner child and shadow parts. The empowered woman who no longer rejects any part of herself and holds space for the parts still healing. The empowered woman who trusts herself and the choices she makes. The empowered woman who loves herself deeply. The empowered woman who no longer settles for less than she deserves, chases, or forces. The empowered woman who can speak her truth and set healthy boundaries. The empowered woman who is free to express her authentic self unapologetically. The empowered woman who isn’t controlled by fear but rather can surrender fully into faith. The empowered woman who is open, receptive, and in flow.

This woman is vibrating on a whole different frequency.

You don’t become her once you get over there, once you finally “heal”, get the partner, the job, the money, the body, the health. No, my love - that’s your ego and programming who thinks that. Your power is right here, already within you. I want to help you access and tune into, NOW.

Your body is the portal

What is unresolved from childhood shows up in our adult lives. Trauma and pain is stored in the body as energy that never got processed, metabolized, or released. Leaving your nervous system in a state of survival and protection. Many of us had to trade our authenticity at a very young age in order to cope with the pain or trauma we experienced. As we get older, that pain doesn’t just “go away” it stay with us. In our body, in our nervous system, in our subconscious. Causing you to now feel, think, and behave in ways that aren’t serving you. Making it difficult to be present, connected to your body, in touch with your own inner knowing / intuition, process + regulate your emotions, change your thoughts, take action, show up authentically, and feel truly safe, worthy, and loved from within. All of which challenges your ability to know and embody your truth and power.

When your nervous system is dysregulated due to uneasolved trauma and or chronic stress - your emotions, triggers, and survival responses run the show. It can cause you to shut down or impulsively react. It can cause you to constantly seek out danger, what could go wrong and sabotage yourself as a result. Self sabotage is an unconscious pattern to protect yourself. This is why you might play small, fumble good things, push people away, and close off your heart. Or it could be why you people please, anxiously attach to people/outcomes, feel codependent on others, and unconsciously seek your worth in the outside world. However it shows up for you, this is your inner child trying to find safety. But we want to find that safety within. Because when you don’t feel safe in your body, it effects everything in your life as you’re operating from your pain (creating the past in the present) rather than your power (creating a new present and therefor future).

This is why you may find yourself experiencing the same triggers and repeating the same patterns and outcomes no matter how much you are trying to heal and break free. Because beneath the surface are all these younger parts within you that are hurting and scared trying to get the unmet needs of childhood met now.

My approach in coaching is referred to as a bottoms up approach in psychology. Working with sensations and feelings to heal emotional pain, bring safety, regulation, and balance into the body first. This a potent way to heal your body of unresolved trauma and emotional pain, reparent your inner child, rewrite a new empowering story on a subconscious level, and open yourself up to a whole new vibration and way of being.

As your coach I will introduce you to the power within your body and somatic healing. During our time together you will learn and practice many somatic exercises to help restore your nervous system, heal emotionally (your inner child), release old emotions, and become embodied from within.

Your body holds all of your love, truth, wisdom, power, and gifts. Therefore it is the portal to your next level. The woman you desire to become (which is who you authentically are) and what you desire to have that you are not experiencing right now is because on some level - it’s a threat to your nervous system. The goal here is creating more space in the body so that who you want to become + the desires you want feel safe to your nervous system. This work isn’t about thinking your way to your power as much as it is feeling, healing, integrating, and embodying your way there. When you feel safe, loved, and worthy from within, everything starts to shift, old patterns dismantle, and life truly opens up for you in a whole new way.

Healing your inner child

We all have an inner child within us. And for many on this journey, our inner child is hurting. An inner child who experienced pain and or trauma and had their core needs of feeling safe, accepted, validated, supported, loved and chosen go unmet. Creating all these parts (internal family systems) within you that feel unworthy, unlovable, scared, anxious, rejected, angry, not good enough, too much, and or never enough. As children we had to cope and survive anyway we could. This usually meant suppressing our own feelings and learning how to behave + get our needs met in anyway we could. The root of where many unhealthy patterns come from.

If that feels familiar, chances are theres a little girl within you who is still wounded from unresolved trauma, pain, and programming. A little girl who learned her feelings don’t matter, she isn’t safe in the world, she isn’t good enough, a little girl who learned love through conditions and performance.

Inner child wounds show up in our adult lives as living in survival energy, broken attachments styles, codependency, fear of abandonment, and scarcity + lack mindsets to name some common patterns.

Our goal is learning to welcome, embrace, accept, validate, and love all the hurting inner child parts within so we can reclaim our whole authentic and empowered self. And you do this by coming home to your body, cultivating regulation + safety from within, creating the capacity to be with your pain and heal emotionally, to reparent your inner child with words of encouragement and support and by becoming the source of your own safety, love, validation, and worth that your inner child wanted to feel so badly but didn’t receive. Beneath every pattern is a behavior, beneath the behavior is an emotion, beneath the emotion is an unmet need. When the need is met, the emotion heals, the behavior changes, and the pattern begins to dissolve.

This is how you heal and unbecome your pain and patterns. Because as you heal your inner child wounds, you heal the thoughts, behaviors, and programs that came with those woundings.

Inner child work is such beautiful work. It gives you an opportunity to heal your shame, pain, and patterns. To understand that your trauma was never your fault. It gives you a chance to unlearn what you had to learn through pain instead of love and to forgive yourself for everything you picked up while living in survival. It allows you to reparent your inner child with love, truth, worthiness, and power. All of this can change the trajectory of your life.

You are not your fears, pain, and limiting beliefs. Any trauma you endured was not your fault. However, healing it is your gift. To reconnect to the you who came into this world with love, worth, power, purpose, belonging and a strong sense of self. You aren’t becoming anyone new, you are healing past pain, unbecoming faulty conditions, and remembering the powerful truth of who you authentically are. This isn’t a mental concept to try to believe in, it’s a feeling, an embodied way of living. As your coach, I am here to help you come home to your body and reclaim your whole authentic self.

The only way out is through.

I know first hand what it’s like living with negative self talk, insecurities, shame, and fear. My childhood wasn’t a walk in the park, and neither was my 20s. I have had my fair amount of trauma, grief, and loss. I learned unhealthy coping mechanisms to survive, and replayed the same dysfunction for years. I struggled to trust myself and believe I really was worthy. I lacked self acceptance + love and had horrible boundaries. I chased and attracted emotionally unavailable partners. I was scared to embrace my authentic self and cared too much what others thought of me. I thought I was too much, too sensitive, not enough. I didn’t fully understand my feminine energy or my power as a woman. So trust me when I say, I get it. And what I know now to be true is the only way out, is through.

Healing is messy. You’ll get triggered. You’ll snap back. You’ll fall down. And you’ll revisit certain patterns over and over as you dissolve the emotional charge behind them. But the mess is where the magic happens. The goal is self mastery, not perfectionism.

A woman who can lovely brave her pain, fears, and shadow parts is a powerful woman. Emotions are a part of being alive, we all have them, but when you cultivate emotional resiliency within, you can move yourself through it + evolve beyond it. No more spiraling, no more falling apart, no more becoming your emotions and being controlled by them, no more playing the victim.

Fear will never fully go away, it will always be a part of your journey. Some triggers may never fully dissolve either. So the goal is to know how to show up for yourself when fear and old triggers resurface and evolve beyond them. This about knowing yourself deeper, meeting your own needs, and having the tools and resources to move through it all. Again and again. To be so connected to your truth, you aren’t willing to go back into old ways. You begin to realize that fear is just a visitor, showing you your edges, and helping you to expand past them so you can rise more into your power.

And that is why I do this work. It’s why I coach the way I do. This isn’t about fluff. Yes, I will empower the F out of you ;) but I will also hold the safest space for you to come wildly undone so that you can heal + come home to yourself. It is my job to help you embody your love, truth, worth, and power.

The embodied feminine

The way of the feminine embraces her darkness and all spectrum of emotions. She is calm and peaceful, but also wild and untamed. She is both the light and the dark. She holds space for her shadows and the hurt little girl within to be seen, held, and loved in her fears, worries, and suffering. And she is able to respond from her power. She is not less than because she feels deeply, or is sensitive, or “too much”.. No she is more than, more alive, more expressive, more connected. Feminine energy is loving, confident, intuitive, magnetic, receptive, creative, expressive, sexual, powerful, and in flow.

Embodying your feminine energy allows to slow down, to be present, to flow. It allows you to be in your feelings without judgement and to be in your pleasure without shame. It allows you to lean back and allow things to come to you. Leading with love, compassion, ease, grace, intuition, trust, integrity, and power.

So many women are disconnected from their feminine because we live in a masculine driven society. The feminine has been repressed for thousand of years in a patriarchal world. As girls we are expected to think, act, and behave in certain ways. We are put into boxes we never asked to be in, silenced, and are conditioned to feel less than, too much or not enough, too needy or too independent, too sensitive or too bitchy, too sexual or too modest, and the list goes on. But something tells me you’re done being sucked into these narratives, you’re done living in fear, you’re done being trapped in old patterns, you’re done being who the world told you to be and you’re ready to align with who you authentically are and live a turned on life that feels true for you.

You came into this world worthy as F*ck. You are an extension of Source energy, of God. Do you realize how powerful you innately are? You belong, you are here for a purpose. You aren’t here reading this by coincidence. Your feminine is rising up your spine, and whispering in your ear “it’s time, you’re ready.”

Your power is already within you.

This deep inner work is what I am passionate about helping you move through so you can feel safe, heal from your pain + programming, awaken to your authentic self, rise in your feminine power, flow in your truth, and create a life that fulfills you from the inside out.

I want to you see yourself in a whole new light. To experience life in a higher way. Where you know who you are, what you need, and have the confidence to live authentically. Where you are tapped in to the present moment, where you are tuned into your body, and you are turned on by your love. Where you are able to feel, process, and integrate your emotions and continually evolve beyond them. Where you are so connected to your truth, your intuition, God, your wisdom, your gifts, your authenticity, your power. Free to surrender, free to let go, free to trust, free to live your life on your terms and in your way. And open to receive all the magic and miracles life has to offer. This is the power of embodiment. You don’t need to fake it until you make it. You can embody it now!

Healing is not linear, you will go up and down many times as you shed old versions of yourself and call back your power. It’s like peeling back the layers of an onion. But once you begin to feel more safe in your body, surrender, and embody your truth + power in all circumstances… You are able to meet yourself + whatever life throws at you with an open heart and loose grip. You are able to be in the ebb and flows. You know how to hold space for your emotions, fears, and stories without getting stuck in them, but rather feel, release and transmute them into higher energies so you can move in this world as the powerful woman that you are. This allows you to continually evolve + expand past your limitations and into your unlimited potential. This is the vibration of ease, flow, magic + miracles. This is what I want for you.

My job as your coach is to hold sacred space for you as you create safety within, and embark on this deep work of feeling, healing, and unlearning who you aren’t to align with who you authentically are. I will support you and guide you back into your body, help you create inner safety, heal at your core wounds, rewire your energetic blueprint, reprogram your subconscious, spiritually evolve, embody your feminine power, and rise into your authentic self + truth.

This is where your journey into your sovereign self and wildly magical life begins! :)

What will you receive from 1:1 coaching?​

  • A safe container to unpack your fears, pain, programming,

  • Creating safety within the body/nervous system regulation

  • Self soothing and somatic healing

  • To be seen, heard, & validated in your pain

  • Energy healing to release trapped emotions

  • Feminine energy activations

  • Spiritual tools and support to work through your shadows

  • Embodiment work to help you reprogram your subconscious

  • Routines and practices to create healthy habits that will up level your life

  • Journaling prompts for self reflection and healing

  • Downloadable guided meditations and breathwork exercises

  • Downloadable worksheets for self explorations

  • Intuitive insight and guidance

  • Voxer chat support outside of coaching calls

  • Weekly soul-work for you to integrate inbetween calls

What will you gain from Embodied Feminine?

  • Inner safety and security

  • Nervous system + emotional regulation

  • Embodiment of your love, truth, and power

  • Deep healing + liberation

  • Rebirth into your Feminine

  • More self awareness + higher levels of consciousness

  • Activating your truth

  • A stronger relationship with yourself, the Universe, God/Source

  • Co-creating your desires, goals, and dreams

 Embodied Feminine

  • 4 Months: This is for the woman who is ready to dive deep and needing long term support. This includes 2 reiki energy healing sessions, 16 live coaching calls via zoom + unlimited voxer chat support throughout the week in between calls.
    $4,111 pay in full: includes 1 bonus reiki + coaching session (valid up to 6 months after).
    Or $999 deposit and 4 biweekly payments of $791

  • 2 months (fast track): This is for the woman whose been diving deep and needs a fine tuning. This includes 1 reiki session, 8 live coaching calls via zoom + inlimited voxer chat support through out the week in between calls.
    $2, 055 pay in full: includes 1 bonus coaching session (valid up to 6 months after)
    Or deposit of $791 and 2 biweekly payments of $656

    Calls are 1x weekly for 60 minutes via zoom + unlimited voxer chat support in between calls and follow up email with soul work.

Want to know if 1:1 coaching is for you?

Let’s schedule your free clarity call to chat about Embodied Feminine and how I can serve YOU as your coach.